[Vwdiesel] *'93 EV diesel wants to roll, help pls*

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Wed Mar 23 10:59:03 EST 2005

hey gang
I am attempting to get my '93 VW EV diesel back up and running after a 
long period sitting
unfortunately, I have had to hire other people to do some of this work, 
not having had a space of my own
and now I am trying to figure out where everything goes again without 
the benefit of having taken it apart the first time or any organization 
or care on the part of those working on 'er

ah well

all of the following questions are in and around the engine compartment:

1. found what appears to be the glow plug bar feed wire
it terminates in a round eyelet
but it has 2 junctions about 6" and 12" from the end with little 1/2" 
(copper?) pins at the junctions - what is the function of those 
pins/where do they go?
also, the lead is somewhat frayed and at one point looks slightly 
chewed through - electrical tape OK or you think maybe I should splice 
in a new line?

2. I discovered what appeared to be oil in one of the hoses leading to 
the radiator
on further examination, tracing the hoses to their source, I now 
believe the "oil" to be power steering fluid
there's a feed from the PS expansion/filling tank to the passenger's 
side of the radiator, and then a return from the driver's side back up 
to the PS tank
does that make sense?? anyone know of a loop of power steering fluid 
being run through the radiator of a diesel EV?

3. what is the big thing bolted onto the head between the 2nd and 3rd 
cylinders that looks like a spiral galaxy and probably has something to 
do with coolant? it has one large barbed hose fitting (maybe 10mm) 
sticking out of it - what attaches there?
(these clowns who took this thing apart did it with no care or thought 
- all little parts tossed in a box...)

4. how does the pump mount??
I know this should be obvious, and it kind of is - I stuck the beveled 
threaded spindle through the opening in the bracket, obviously the 
toothed timing wheel attaches there (BTW, there's supposed to be a key 
to align those 2 things, right? I HOPE it's in the bottom of that 
but what angle does the pump sit at? clearly not straight up and down - 
and is the play in the screw holes that allows for several degrees of 
angular adjustment a way to adjust timing advance?

5. how do you turn over the engine safely? can I crank on the 
camshaft(?) bolt to the left of the head? need to get to TDC...

6. there's a couple different cables coming into the engine compartment 
- one's throttle, one must be hood release
what does the throttle cable look like?

thanks all
rOLf peCHUkas
rbp at 4u2bu.org
CAMbridge, MA

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