[Vwdiesel] Injector mix-up

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Mar 27 21:03:11 EST 2005

>> Is it possible to use  existing TD injectors with new n/a
>> nozzles AND the TD shims? Seeing as the TD versions are
>> common as hens teeth.

>  For same year application both use the same nozzles.  The
>between a TD and an NA injector assembly is the pressure,
which is set
>by the shim thickness.  So long as you keep the assembly
other than
>the nozzle, together then the pressures should even come
out right.

If  I'mreading it correctly James thinks the TD nozzles are
unless all nozzles got bigger; like no N/A heads after a

Oops its 3am,here goodnight ;o)

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