[Vwdiesel] Bad car week... Miser's here so it's not so bleak...

slatersfb at aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Wed Mar 30 16:04:57 EST 2005

Maybe skip the torque wrench for these small nuts. Not many are accurate at such low torque. Tighten by feel - I use 1/4" drive ratchet & very gently. If you strip one, you'll know not to go that tight on the next. Feel is best except for maybe head bolts, connecting rods, etc. Small tool & restraint. Good luck. 
Bob in NY  
Does anyone have any nuts that don't strip at 6 ft-lbs?  It seems that I can 
never torque them to the full 7.5 ft-lbs without them just stripping away.  
That's pretty lame IMO.

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