[Vwdiesel] leak in front windshield seal?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Mar 30 21:21:29 EST 2005

  Of course make sure the cowl drains aren't plugged.  It'll run in the 
heater rather than the windshield but that's common. 
  I'd use windshiled adhesive/stickum rather than sillycone.  It'll seal to 
the metal and rubber better and it'll clean out better, if that time ever 
comes.  Had a car that some idiot siliconed all around the top of the 
glass.  Took me two days to clean off the crap so the car didn't look 
like crap and so they could replace the trim around the windshield.

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