[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump talk ---- ( testing pump for wear )

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Thu Mar 31 01:17:48 EST 2005

Thanks Hagar, Bob, and others. I just pulled off the Vanagon pump I got with my 
spare engine. It has seen some weather (sprocket rusty) and had injector lines 
disconnected from pump, and engine standing on end with unions facing up. It turns 
freely, and I sprayed some WD-40 into all fuel openings to dispel any water. I will put 
it on the bench and test with a dial indicator to see how it looks. Anything else I can 
do short of pulling it apart to check for corrosion?

On 30 Mar 2005 at 12:19, slatersfb at aol.com <slatersfb at aol.com> wrote:

> Last pump I disassembled had pitting on rollers - sort of like pitting on noisy roller bearing. After reassembly, I did just as you suggested with a dial indiicator & sho> Nearly a tenth of a mm difference. Surely this would affect performance. What is acceptable variation?
> Bob in Entire State 
> ************
> I write this mainly for Shawn Wrigt ----- it may be of help to others..
> We are back to the Val Christian -Hagar --- managing for ECONOMY  ---lot of 
> judgement and
> experience involved.
> First lets test Cam assembly ------- clamp pump in a good solid vice or the 
> like.
> install a sensitive dial indicator , as for timing pump.
> Use a socket and a breaker bar to turn pump slowly while watching indicator..
> There are  4  lobes on plate  ---indication shall be smoooooooth ---all lobes at 
> same maximum and no
> jumping of pointer.   Many turns are needed so all the rollers had a chance to
> show if there are flat spots or corrosion. ---- or buildup of varnish.
> You got the drift of it.  ----VERY  --important test every time you have the 
> pump on
> the bench. -----next  we test the Vane pump and the high pressure piston.
> For our South African ,Finnish,Australian,UK  members. Some time ago we had a 
> major disaster
> here in North America.  ----The Roosa Master and Bosch pumps  vere destroyed by 
> BAD BAD fuel.
> A lot of those pumps are still in circulation so we have to test. (distributor 
> pumps).
> Most of these old Bosch pumps have a stroke of about 90 thou inch and a 9 to 10 
> mm piston.
> Here is where the experience and judgement starts ---WHAT ? if you have a lumpy 
> stroke ?  ----we deal with that later.   First we ask the "Pump Gang" for some 
> input.
> Reminds me of the cracked heads ---cracks are ok --up to a specification by VW.
> Likewise  ---a small lump ? may be ok.
> Hagar.
> PS :     we sure need a retired bosch member ---
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Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
'82 Diesel Westy

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