[Vwdiesel] Damper,brake line, now STRUT !

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Thu May 5 20:48:27 EDT 2005

That spring holding 'cup' on the bottom of the spring on those brilliantly
conceived McPherson Struts holds up the weight of the car.through the
spring.  The one on the driver's side front on my Toyota Celica let go a
couple of years ago as I was turning a slow corner onto my road after just
driving 1-1/2 hours at 120+ Km/hr on the 401 and other highways coming home
from Toronto in the rain.  If it had let go on the highway I'd be dead.  It
completely crushed into the turning tire.  You don't mind if I call any
design that can collect road salt and then let go like that a "horseshit
design" do you?!!!!!!!!!!

Mike, I would NOT drive that car until this is replaced.  That muffler clamp
will not hold the weight of the car and if the thing drops locking the tire
you could have a quick power assisted turn into oncoming traffic, or one of
them big trees that some people report suddenly jumped out in front of them
without warning!
I cannot overstress the potential danger of this failure.  PLEASE stop
driving the car.  We don't want to lose a valued list member and friend.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike & Coreen Smith" <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 7:19 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Damper,brake line, now STRUT !

> Well, turns out I have a broken (or nearly so) lower strut spring cup.  I
> don't know the proper term, but this is the lower roundish metal cup that
> hold the spring "up"......Mine's about 80% rusted out.....so the spring is
> pushing it apart, allowing the side of the "cup" to rub on the tire, ever
> slightly.
> Also, beacause everything is a wee bit more compressed on that side, the
> vibration dampener dooe-y was rubbing here and there.  I took the cut-off
> wheel to that sucker ! LOL!
> Anyways, I stuck a muffler clamp just below the rotted/rusted cup, in case
> it completely lets go, but am wondering how hard it is to replace a strut
> myself?  Do I need any kind of spring compressors or special tools or is
> straigh forward?
> Mike in NB
> Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
> 699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
> NB
> Canada
> E6L 1T1
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