[Vwdiesel] Damper,brake line, now STRUT !

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri May 6 12:06:58 EDT 2005

 We don't want to lose a valued list member and friend.


Anyways, I stuck a muffler clamp just below the rotted/rusted cup, in case
it completely lets go, but am wondering how hard it is to replace a strut
myself?  Do I need any kind of spring compressors or special tools or is it
straigh forward?

Mike in NB

Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge

E6L 1T1

YES, do not drive it like that, I second the motion.

I Hagar zes  motion carried.    -------- Mike do not panic. ------IMHO   a muffler clamp is
one smart limping home FIX.   --------I consider that type of fix absolutely safe
if done right.   I would use a split pipe to support clamps ---there can be no
slipping. ---It is time you cash a couple of macadoos from your brother in law.

Then you go to a scrapyard and get a new strut .  Remember left and right are different.

I have done a few without any problems.  When changing damper cartridge ---everything gets
blasted and painted ----and installed as a unit.    Remember what I said long time ago ?
buy a 100 dollar canadian Golf ----do not expect to go lobster fishing happily
forever and after.  -----    BUT   for 100 dollars ? ---super as a parts car.     I have a
digital camera and I can mail you a picture of a strut  ---and how I would do a fix.

The last  time I removed a spring  ---I did not use spring compresser ---I simply unscrewed it like
a big corkscrew..   Used a BIG pipewrench with strut in a vice.

Last time I was in NB  I got addicted to delisious LOBSTERS ---. Man was they cheap
all cooked --took them back to the hotel room -----and gorged myself.

Mike guess what ?   my mini engine sits next to a 1.5 VW diesel. ----trying to think where I
put the SU carbs. ----attic maybe ?  ---sure like that design.


PS :   the other day a Norwegian expert said that lobster brains are too small to feel
pain --when they are dumped in boiling water -----I say BULLSHIT-----and
propaganda.   ---Norwegian nitwit --------its a NO brainer to say --THAT we really
do not know.?.

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