[Vwdiesel] New Car, New to Turbos and of course New Question

a f volkswagendiesel at yahoo.com
Fri May 6 12:14:09 EDT 2005

Just got a '91 Eco (approx. 170,000mi.) on the road that I purchased in the fall. No major work needed just plates/registration needed. As far as I can tell, it was sitting for 9+ months. I took it on a 120 mile round trip to test it out. Car seemed to act fine...started, idled, and accelerated nicely. Since this is my first turbo (I know its not a true TD--since it has Eco pump) I wasn't sure what to expect. It definitely seemed a little peppier and faster than any of my N/A's (5-10 miles/hr top speed increase -Eco=90-95 mi./hr, N/A=80-85mi./hr).  I was quite happy.

I wasn't as happy when I pulled into a station to fuel up and noticed small black spots (oil?) on the trunk (license plate area). Blown turbo? Leaky turbo? I will take the air filter off to inspect what should I look for? Any ideas? Where should I start? As far as I can see I do not see any major oil leaks coming from turbo or any other part of the car. I haven't had the car running long enough to see what is happening to the oil level. Other than a bit (5 Oz. ) of Sea Foam to oil I can't think of anything else that I've done to car.




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