[Vwdiesel] Diesel Purge

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat May 7 12:52:57 EDT 2005

After the Diesel Purge treatment this test did not
change noticeably.  I assume that this means that the advance did not

Hagar zes yes Gavrik you are correct   it looks like you have a borderline worn pump.

Have NO fear it is many MANY miles from the repairshop -----NO PROBLEMO.

To bring the newbies who just stumbled in ,   up to snuff.  I have personal knowledge
about Gavriks "Heap" ? ----- it is a completely rebuildt and bored 1.6 L NA  in a Rabbit.
(my favorite color)    light blue. He took me for a few rides in it ----it was really nice running --NO smoke
not even on a cold morning start.     When he told me the cost of job ?  ---I made up my mind that
in 2005 it is possible to redo a 1.6L NA  ----and be cost effective.  Take the case of Mike in Lobster
land ---his Golf may be a pile of rust ? ---ok but what does it take to swap engines in
a Rabbit or a Golf ?  ---sweet piss all.  -------

So Gavrik do the fish scale test and post numbers.  -----and download pump exploded
view from Lorens posting ---see if you can make a wall copy -----that is one of my
pet things ---big exploded wall posters.

We are going after the pump next. ----and the drawing has all parts numbered. That
way I can tell you what part to replace or check.

Here is what diesel purge does for you. ---- in the BOSCH VE  pump you got (109)
it frees vanes (4) if they were sticking , it frees piston in fuel regulator valve if it was sticky
it cleans your delivery valves (4)  and everything in between. It frees up sticky pintles
in the injectors.     The normal Original pump for that engine ?   107 AG.

Gavrik have NO fear ---Hagar is here.-----if I live long enough you are going to have one sweet
running 1.6L NA------   hell I even have a spare here I am not using.(for parts)----need a crank?
a   or what not ?---it is yours for FREE.


PS :    make sure your timing belt is NOT too tight. and use a can of two cycle oil per tankful
that will assure you that Loren is backing you too. ---Remember he is a mechanic and he is
In signing off let me say as before  ---this little JEWEL of a diesel ----has been more fun
to me than even the Harley.---or anything.

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