[Vwdiesel] hardware question--found

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun May 8 17:18:25 EDT 2005

I expended a modicum of effort and found the appropriate hardware on the 
Autohausaz.com website.  Kind of embarassing to give up then find them 
under the first stone I turn over.  I must be getting lazy.  I wouldn't 
have found them there, though, if I hadn't of been looking for parts for 
my '65 Benz project. 

Now what I need to find is the cheesy fan blade for the smaller of the 
two fans for the TDI.  There's a piece missing from mine and it runs 
terribly.  I hope the dealer or someone will just sell the the blades.  
The whole fan is $100. 


Mark Shepherd wrote:

>... Try split washers or star washers or junior hacksaw some
>nuts so they have a semicircle of flesh. Or maybe lock
>additional nuts onto simple nuts...

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