[Vwdiesel] Diesel Purge

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed May 11 03:45:08 EDT 2005

Interesting thread.  Does the timing advance on the pump spring vs. internal 
pressure?  Could spring have broken?
How about a piece of crud partially blocking the pump outlet caqusing too 
much internal pressure?

I don't really know what is going on in the pump. The fact
that the Diesel Purge made some difference makes me think
that something in the pump was (or still is) not
functioning quite right.
I don't know. I was thinking that the problem was the pump
not advancing enough rather then too much.

   --  Gavrik

I  Hagar NEVER NEVER    dissmisses  any sugestions like that --- out of hand.

Over the years I have read many "strange" threads from Mark Shepherd  ----and
they turned out to be valid --on closer eksamination.

I Hagar had the pleasure of going for a ride in this Rabbit about 6000 miles
ago --- and it was near perfect.  -----Sounded good NO smoke ---lots of power.

The reason I find these Rabbits so facinating ---is the number of variables
just in TUNING the little beasts.

We have a fairly experienced Pump gang here so I see no reason for Gavriks problem
not being solved. --- and by the way Gavrik is a pump gang member  ,   and not exactly
ignorant.    For the newbies who just dropped in this discussion is important
if you have a 1977 to 1984  Rabbit   NA or Turbo. or ECO Turbo.   So Gavrik remeber
I said that when things are working good  ---the difference between smoke and
no smoke  ---is a very small adjustment.  --Turn your  full load stop back a tad.
The one I call the fueling screw.


PS :   Loren and Andrew got me in to this Cider stuff----just had a couple of Growers
Granny Smith ciders. ---I was in a lot of pains in bed ---so ?   a bit of dieseltalk ?
it helped.   ----- oh jah  ---the Full Load is probably bad translation ---as these pumps
have no engine load compensators.  (some pumps do) on other models.

Broken spring ?   its a coilspring 100 thou US inch. wire.  Orifice blocked ?  it is protected
by a big cintered bronze screen inside outlet bajo. For info on Diesel Purge pruduct ?
Read Gary Bangs he gets it by the case and cheap.

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