[Vwdiesel] Blotter Test for newbies. ---- ( works like crazy )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat May 14 10:43:54 EDT 2005

Ok I know it is Friday 13  ------ but 67  Virus ?  -----.

Anyway  Gavrik Peterson make sure you do BLOTTER   at regular miles intervals.

Above was taken from draft folder.

Hagar has used blotter tests for about  20 -- 30 years.   Got the instructions from
Mobil Exxon --------  in those days they provided free sampling kits. And they
sendt me  sample pictures.

BUT we in this forum improved on the system --by using jet printer paper.
it makes for a far superior picture..     If you mail me a sample picture "E mail"
I will be happy to read it for you.   Put a strong light behind the paper and take a digital
close up picture.

It keeps track of what is going on in the engine --fast and cheap.

Look it up in archives.  -----------     And Gavrik   keep accurate track of mileage.
In a good condition engine like yours --it will tell you exactly where to set
the fueling screw.  ( " full load stop " is the BOSCH name for it. )   In your case --you are down to the
fine TUNING stage.  Use a 4LN  Vise Grip to hold screw when tightening 13 mm locknut

To try and seat your rings ----stomp on it in bursts.    --- of say   full power for about a minute
then let it relax for 5. --------- Do that a lot on your trip . Are you going  I-5  ?    


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