[Vwdiesel] Why gasss cars mpg sucks

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat May 14 13:00:23 EDT 2005

Going back to old tests I did in a Rabbit (IDI), the lowest cost 
per mile happened about 40 to 45 MPH.  Slower than that, and the 
fuel cost per mile went up, due to powerplant inefficiency.  Faster
than that, and the aerodynamic penality went up.  The trades 
for uphill-downhill are different, but they are still there.
Aerodynamics are a big factor, powerplant performance is a bigger
factor, but rolling resistance is not.  (Rolling resistance is not
the trade of kinetic energy for potential energy that happens when
you go uphill.)


Hagars answer :      Simple Dr. Wattson.     --the operating principle  ---Engine
fundamentals.   ---- Lets compare a standard German Diesel and a standard
american GASSER. --(gas hog).

The REAL difference is OPERATING mixture.  ----  the Diesel can be operated  lean
, extra lean ,extra extra lean ---and Hagar superlean.

The american gasser can NOT.

Definition of "MIXTURE" ?   must be understood.     It is ratio of Pounds of AIR to 
POUNDS of fuel  in the cylinder  ---during the power stroke.

A gasser normally  is about 22 to 1.     --A diesel can be  66 to 1  or   Infinite
in Hagars Bunny Bondo.

A lean mixture of Gasoline and Air will not ignite by using a sparkplug.  How lean ?
I have to look it up again. ---BUT lets say  66 to 1. .

A diesel  even one drop in cylinder will ignite .         On my Telly    CNN had a graph
on about milage versus speed.   just as I was reading that thread.

Drag   is a drag (AIR)       on the mileage figures.      In general I am in lockstep
with Val Christian .

And Andrew in Flagstaff  ---cactusland.     the reaction going down hill was easy to
recognize ----turn fuel of and you get better braking.

WARNING : remember the steering lock.


PS :    Val    what do you think about the dummy --the IDIOT instructor in the Cessna.
Looks to me like a a dollar 52 . -----?   EH .      us flyboys are mystified  ---where did he
get an Instructor ticket ?.         ----and Andrew in Flagstaff   hope you do not work for
Wal - Mart.  ?   Bookburning my ass.

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