[Vwdiesel] Why gasss cars mpg sucks (fwd)

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun May 15 12:57:30 EDT 2005

Some pumps self destruct if out of fuel. ---NOT   VE   on Rabbits.

Hagar responds.  :     First let me rephase it .    Running out of fuel , from
the tank  ------ even going down a hill will NOT harm a Bosch VE   107 109
group 4 cylinder pump. -----Some other make pumps self destruct  --if the hill is a long
one. ----SO what protects the BOSCH pump ?  ---simple solution ---remember those
Germans are smart.  They put the outlet port way up high in the pump.Now
pump can NEVER be emptied.

Lorens entry :

  I think one (former??) listmember would disagree on that one.  He 
had to replace 4 pumps in about 70K miles.  Warranty covered NONE 
of them.  Claimed they were not lubricated or some such.  I believe 
he did get to see the worn parts and they sure looked it.  He argued 
you can't run a diesel engine WITHOUT lubricating the pump.  Didn't 
matter.  :-(

Hagars reply :         Loren  that had to do with BAD fuel  IMHO.   Fuel did not
properly lubricate the pumps.

That is a different issue.

I just happened to get involved in that one.      Legal action worth millions of dollars
was filed against BOSCH     , VW ,  and   Stanadyne ( Roosa Master pumps )

Bosch and Stanadyne got together and published their investigation ,  with picture of
worn parts in pumps.  ---- They proved beyond doubt  ,  that problem was shitty fuel.
 Fuel minimum for BOSCH is # 2 diesel of the standard establish --BEFORE removing sulfur.
In Canada the problem was # 1. diesel and Home heating fuel   , like Furnace oil and
Stove oils.

NOTHING but NOTHING will empty that pump but a leaking Cold start shaft.

>From my first entry in this forum ---I stressed the importance of LUBRICATE that
pump ----NO way to overlubricate the thing.

Use   Lorens answer  2 cycle oil   ---or Roger Brown and Gary Bangs way   Stanadyne
pump lube ---so good that even Robert Bosch  recommeds it.

I used   ParoWax   ---for a long time  ---absolutely the best of all.   ---BUT    any good lube oil will do
say Canola or Rapeseed oil or     say   Castor  oil ?  -----use your imagination.

In Alaska ? use Beluga oil.   ------Why   ParoWax ?    good lube   perfect feed  for a Rabbit
high cetane clean burning ---and CHEAP  .      Raid the kitchen when your wife
is out ----She is using it for putting on top of all those jars of  Blue Berry Jam.

And yes I like bugs bunny and daffy duck ---cartoons.


PS :       yes I got your jokes   ---LOL  ----That was not Chicken ?    ---Sandy Cameron and
I will have some fun telling that one . And I do not like the mirror in the bathroom----any more.

I am still in sickbay --so those jokes are part of my day.  ---Making it BETTER.

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