[Vwdiesel] (Fwd) Another way to do it... (NVC)

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue May 17 04:20:14 EDT 2005

Put your trust in Michael Moore?
You may not want to repeat much of what he spouts, as there tends to be a
conflict between fact and sensation.

As a complainer that biofuel at present cannot be competitive, I would
suggest you need to look at the prices of vegetable oil in the world market,
just like crude oil, it is a traded commodity.

Coincidentally, I just came in from seeding Canola.  I do this stuff for a
living, and dude, I do not have blinders on.  NOBODY knows better than a
farmer how much money you can lose in a year when commodity prices go south,
or how little value gets assigned to a commodity by idealists unless they
are actually engaged in production of the commodity.  As to the fuel issue,
Canola is 40% oil at crush, slightly dependant on growing conditions. Yield
is around 10-2400lb/acre of seed. density of canola oil vares around
.92g/cm3  Cost of production is $175.00 to $200 per acre, exclusive of
profit. I don't work for free, as there is an investment cost of over a
million dollars on a grain farm in capital assets, machinery, and operating
budget, and then there is my wage as well.  Squeezing the oil out of the
seed involves another 30-40$/ Tonne of seed.  You need to produce,
transport, store, and distribute.  Now you are equipped to do the math.

At present, it is not profitable to take oil that is used for cooking oil,
and use it for Bio-D. THere is a net loss, unless you want to redirect your
military budget to me that is... that being the case, you better get the
storage tanks ready.

Yes, wars are obscenely expensive. Sad.
I still favor "world leaders" duking it out in the ring, or shotguns at
fifty paces as opposed to sending everyone else's kids out to do it for them
over nothing.

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of Area31 Research Facility
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 8:08 AM
To: Chris Collin; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] (Fwd) Another way to do it... (NVC)

Well I guess we are all DOOMED then aren't we?!

At some point we have to seriously stop this nonsense and look at the big
picture.  Putting obscene profits in the pockets of an elite few (Michael
Moore showed us who some of them are) at the expense of all else and
humankind's very survival with some sort of quality of life is at stake

I'm a little disapointesd but not surprised with the replies that my comment
about becoming self sufficient in agricultural fuel has inspired here.  Not
one of them that complained that the cost of the fuel would not be
competitive has calculated what the savings would be not being in this war
or that!  Wars are obscenely expensive and that is a very real integral part
of the cost of the present fuel supply.  You have to take off your blinders
and look at the big picture here folks, big picture.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Collin" <rangerdanger_svo at yahoo.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] (Fwd) Another way to do it... (NVC)

> I remember reading somewhere that there is not enough cropland
> in the world to supply ourdemand for fuel, and then what would we
> eat?  It was disheartening to read, but it kind of makes sense when
> you think about how many millions of years of biomass went into
> making the earth's petroleum deposits, and how relatively few years
> will go into depleting these same deposits.  I think we should keep
> this biofuel thing a secret just between us!  ;)
> Chris
> Mary Beth and Chris Geiser <geiser at execpc.com> wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of Area31 Research Facility
> >
> >The United States has the farmland, the sunshine and the technological
> >knowhow to become completely energy self-dependent growing fuel oil. I
> >don't know why they don't. It would create domestic jobs, improve the
> >economy, improve air quality and stop the need for many foreign wars and
> >American soldiers coming home in body bags. Unlike mideastern oil which
> >will soon run out, this would be a renewable resource.
> >
> >Rob
> This is true until you figure in the petroleum based fertilizers needed to
> maintain the soil. Still, there are much better plants that could be
> grown to produce oil more efficiently than the corn / wheat base we
> now. Still not quite economically feasible yet - maybe next year...
> Chris
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