[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 ----( How to feed a Rabbit 1977 to 19 84. )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue May 17 13:52:22 EDT 2005

I Hagar decided this mornig to get in this furball  ---( flyboy talk )  --- So pain or no PAIN.
I sat down and hacked in a really good entry ----  Well when I went on line ---shit
Bill Gates just wiped my slate clean --bingo just like that.    Let see if this gets out.

Those of you who own OLD  Rabbits ?   ---you are blessed.   1977 to 1984 will qualify.

You have the finest  flexible fuel car ever made by mankind.  ----GRAND statement ?   yes
and    it is GRAND:

Consider total cost to a good DIY  ---dollar for dollar mile for mile throw in handling and all
the rest. --------a transportation MASTERPIECE.

Take "Bunny Bondo"  ----she drives like a dream ---she looks good (in my eyes). She LOVES
Canola right out of the fridge in the kitchen.   Guys just think ----fuel from the food budget ?
and your Wife does not know ?  ----awesome potential for the Beer budget.

Riminy  Canola does not solidify in the cold.----SO Shawn Wright do not worry ---in the winter
here in Lotus Land.-----By the way how is Dandylion spelled correctly ?----those  nice tasting
good looking plant we have around here ?

Reminds me to check on the Fiddleheads today. ---they must be picked real small.

Hagar .

PS : remember Smog reduction and Fuel shortfall is two different issues.

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