[Vwdiesel] Re: genset applications

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu May 19 02:43:28 EDT 2005

-  That must be what the WTF does to these engines at 1800

ATF does that at all rpm's .  That's why it is not recommended as an
additive by those in the know. 2 cycle oil is good as an additive, but not
tranny fluid. Roughly, the more specialized te oil is, the more and
different the additives, and the more and different it's going to be to be
able to use as fuel.
Where you live?  does it get cold enough to burn for home heating?  That's
the most efficient method of recycling anything that can burn at present,
use the heat directly, not to provide a mechanical advantage.

This was a huge disappointment to me as I was counting on using WTF as a
main fuel for power generation here.  If the problem will clear by diluting
it with a small amount of diesel that would be better than nothing.  Maybe
is is particulates in which it will be rich smaller than 2 microns that are
causing the carbon buildup.  If I have to build a vacuum distillation plant
to process my WTF that would take all the fun out of it.

Wouldn't it though.  I doubt small amounts will alleviate it, some cetane
boosters might, but IIRC the problem was part additive package and part base
hydrocarbons being too long. You could hydrocrack it.  You'd need a good
natural gas supply then too in addition to the vacuum distillation tower.
How big is your back yard?  You neighbors may say WTF, and they wouldn't be
talking about oil.

 I have the option
of going to WVO still but would have to modify my fuel handling equipment a
bit, but not if I can get used Canola that stays liquid.

Oddly enough, in the heart of canola country, it is rare to have liquid
canola oil as fryer waste.  That's okay from the health standpoint, as the
oil hasn't been hydrolized, (adding H2... AAAAUUUUGHHHthere's that damn
hydrogen again), but it doesn't stay liquid as easily.

If members here have any good technical ideas I would appreciate your input.
That BATF stuff was meant as a joke in case anyone isn't sure. ;)


technical suggestions?  damn and here I was going to write something

oh well...


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