[Vwdiesel] One for the archives...RE: '82 Vanagon westy and
enginecutting out issue
82 Diesel Westy
dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Thu May 19 10:09:20 EDT 2005
Rob said I think?
> > I hooked my center console voltmeter to the
> solenoid wire. It is the closest
> > thing to an ignition-switched circuit on the
> diesel engine and it makes a handy
> > troubleshooting device, both to monitor the
> alternator charging voltage and also
> > the solenoid.
> Now that is a good idea... damn... now I need to get
> another gauge!
> Shawn Wright
OK, I have been looking for a good source to wire my
small VDO volt meter to as I had it cut into the dash
lights before and when turning on blower fan for
heater and lights, it was to much and would drop to 8
So, would all agree, a good SOURCE point to measure
overall voltage in your vanagon is the stop solenoid,
which would not be effected by lights and fan motor?
Thanks, Bryan
I am running wires and boost guage tube this weekend
aside to the main wiring harness before I put the tank
back in.
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