[Vwdiesel] Re: genset applications

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Thu May 19 14:20:14 EDT 2005

yeah, I would definitely get some heat to those filters
makes it easier on everything
if you did WVO you'd definitely want heat
I had a 2 micron Racor unheated after my 10 micron Fleetguard (WAY 
the Racor plugged very quickly
even though the Racor would get warm from fuel running through it, in 
retrospect it was a big heat sink and probably plugged from fats and 
(if I heated it they'd likely melt and it'd unplug)
I think using that waste heat as much as possible takes the strain off 
of every part of the system
my engine seems perkier on VO and I'm pretty sure that's from the heat 
added (and maybe from reduced vacuum drag on the pump? I have an extra 
boost pump lifting veggie forward)
to heat the filters and lines:
primitive but it works - wrap coolant hose around and through 
everything - just interrupt current coolant line, don't tee off, go 
straight into extra hose wrapped around everything and then back into 
coolant line where you cut it
I have had no problem doing that and it works great, esp w/ a little of 
that bubble wrap/foil insulation around critical areas
good luck
Cambridge, MA

On May 19, 2005, at 12:21 PM, Area31 Research Facility wrote:

> I would have to develop a way to heat the two filters and lines 
> following
> the fuel heater on the short trip to the FI pump if I go to WVO.
> WTF actually works at room temp (~SAE 10W) but I suspect that it is a 
> bit
> hard on the pump.  Heating it to 195 degrees helps immensely to 
> separate the
> water from it and aids in pushing it through the unheated filters 
> which get
> quite hot from the fuel.
> Rob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "rOLf peCHUkas" <rbp at 4u2bu.org>
> To: "Area31 Research Facility" <stephensrw at stn.net>
> Cc: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Re: genset applications
>> It  probably has
>> cooled to 130 degrees F when it hits the FI pump inlet.
> 130° sound a little cool to me, although I know nothing about WTF
> for WVO I try to get it up to 160°-180°f

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