[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 159 ---- ( hagar on having FUN ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri May 20 11:28:32 EDT 2005

A lot of you by now know that Hagar takes having     " FUN "    very very  " SERIOUS " -------EH ?

This is stil MAY    2005   ----and 60  years since the BESTEST      month in my life.
I was in  wonderful  Copenhagen   in May    1945 ----     I would liked to have been
in Amsterdam  -----but thems the brakes.

Hagar is very opinionated , outspoken ,      and long winded and LOUD ?   --right.

So here is my opinion on VW  Rabbit diesels   1980 to 1984  -----    A bundle of

FUN.  ----       fun to drive , fun to work on ,  fiun to feed    and downright fun to look at.--EH ?

Val Christian and flyboys  ---- on CNN    I saw a   OY-JET    sitting ----with a flyboy ( Danish)
not having much fun ----- question   what was the name of the airport ?

I like to look it up  ---   he lost the brakes ????????  likely .?.        By the way    it was a GOOD month
in this forum -----   lots of interesting (to me)   subjects -----   .

Yes I have some favorites  I like to help along  ----like Gavrik Peterson and Shawn Wright   ---
not to ferget Shalyn.             My dream was to become a DIESEL WIZARD     ---in Hogwarts
and    I see lights at the end of the tunnel       ----     I passed my final exam    as a Hillbilly Tuner
with 100 %    marks.  ------------    not bad for an OLD geezer   EH ?.

Along with FREE  Rabbit feed   --- goes my FREE  digital sound from a couple of American
sattelites.  ----- This morning I popped a few nails out of the  lousy plywood floor   listening
to DANCE OF THE HOURS          Budapest Philharmonics version---------they sure do
a good job on that one.   ----- On the music    yes Loren it is an intentional  pun  ----if your
apple tree drops apples on my lawn ?   am I entitled to eat them ?   so if those USA sattelite
systems saturates my domain with PORNO filth and endless advertising and stupid
probaganda ?    ---get the drift ?   ---  keep the signals out of my face.---

Enter Hagar the HAM ------- just think ,   it was unlawful to listen to radio or watch Telly without
paying.  --- A woman in UK got thrown in jail  for watching telly ,  bill unpaid   -------
drakonian BIG brother ? I should say so. --- She was on DOLE at the time.    Yes   Mark Shepherd
0ne of my favorite funnies was  Andy Capp.        So how did Hagar  listen to Radio Denmark without
paying ? ----using a chrytal set or a straight receiver  ----not to transmit a give away signal.

Yes    each and every Radio or Telly had to be paid for.-------that is NO FUN ?.

That reminds me ------ maybe I should write a thread on   crazy and funny laws
that I have encountered on my trip  ?    ----

Here is a sampling   :      when I lived in Sandy Cameron land     I had a summer cottage in Quebec.
On the way to the cottage in the MG    I would carry a load of groceries.   If I was stopped
by the French   Gestapo   and the they found Margerine in my MG ?   I would be in troubles.
It was unlawful to be in posession of Margerine .------- yes sandy    on the Gatineu River.
The cabin  was next to a film guy  "Crawley Films"   or something like it.       ÅH    those young
cuties in bikinis on the boat ramp  ---what memories ----??? the identical twins next door
got my attention.------crips they were cute.


PS :     if Margerine was found in my possion ?   ---must be the girlfriends   I am
a butter LOVER    -----ah that danish FRESH butter ?    if you ever tried it
you will never forget.   -----FRESH SWEET BUTTER .

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