[Vwdiesel] Genset RPM and Diesels

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun May 22 16:36:34 EDT 2005

In James Hansen land the sweetest   Welder is an
PU  ---"Lawrance"  ----surplus  Airforce.
Yes I have one here and what a JEWEL   ----has to be seen to be believed..
It came with
a 250 Amp   28 Volt generator.  DC.

I have an aircraft generator based welder in the back of an old flatfender
jeep.  It'll burn way more rod than the jeep engine can turn.   I'm looking
for an original governor setup for this jeep incidentally...  it's a CJ3B.
Now that I mention it, i also need a right rear fender for a jeep truck....
anyone knows about parts, lemme know please.
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