[Vwdiesel] More problems

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun May 22 20:45:28 EDT 2005

There must be contact right across the face of the taper.

Agreed, but why not check it before reworking the taper. You're getting
ahead of yourself.

Hagar zes   SORRY     Loren and James   ---------    My english must be at fault again.
I said check it first and then rework.  -----And from day one  I said use   Blue Steel ink

---machinist stuff for EVERYTNG  .    Including Cylinder heads and  top of Block.

BUT as you will find from reading Mark Shepherd  ----there are many more ways of doing

More on that later.


PS : and I am in agreement with German accuracy   -----including tapers     ----BUT     check to be sure.
and read my whole thread.

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