[Vwdiesel] transmission seals

Johann Koenig explosive at hvc.rr.com
Sun May 22 20:59:22 EDT 2005

Hey, I'm replacing the main input seal and two output seals on my '85
020 ACH tranny. Looking through the manual, there is a special tool for
compressing the output hubs so I can undo a circlip of some sort. Does
anyone know what the thread pitch/diameter is for this special tool?
Threaded rod isn't hard to get, but its easier when I know what I'm
looking for.

For some background, I'm replacing these seals because my tranny fluid
goes down to about 1,5 litres each time I fill it up to 3,0 litres. It
makes no other noises, shifts good, etc. Only questionable thing is it
looks like the car had something in the bellhousing that wasn't supposed
to be there. Its chewed up a bit, but the guy at the local shop wasn't
too concerned because it wasn't making any noise the past two weeks I've
had it. My dad thinks maybe a clutch grenade'd on the previous owner.

-johann koenig
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