[Vwdiesel] Broke cam
Mark Shepherd
mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Mon May 23 05:56:11 EDT 2005
Nick wrote:
Here goes head removal #3, the only problem is if it is my
fault that the
cam broke or it was a bad cam other wise I'm out the money.
I lapped the cam
sprocket and cam and it made a nice contact and seated the
sprocket on nice
and tight. Lapping seems to be the way to go. Not thrilled
with removing the
head again but I don't' have a choice. I have so much into
this now I can't
stop. I didn't go with the original head. I got one from
Aluminum Head
Rebuilders. They have a quality product, and looks like I
will never get to
use it now. The cam broke at #1 and the intake lobe is just
laying in the
head and it cracked the cam saddle cam at the timing belt
side so I can't
just check the valves and put another cam in it. It has to
go back. I can
always put the old rebuilt head back on and see where I
stand. So I guess I
rank as the one with the worst luck. There goes another
head gasket, bolts,
ect. I don't understand it turned over fine all ten times
by hand, no
binding hitting nothing.
Here's my take on this.
1) this is the head and cam that was rebuilt by those
representing themselves as professional.
2) This is the combination that we determined required
grinding of valve stem ends because of either over zealous
lapping of valve seals or simply natural wear and sinking of
the valves into the seat [was this a new head? so it was
the former]
3) The death of the cam was either from the above causing a
valve/piston strike, or... because you used the wrong
technique to tighten.
Can you explain how you held the cam still when tightening?
Where I differ from my wise and very experienced friends on
your side of the pond; is in the tightening. I probably
barely reach torqueing spec for the nut but just spend MORE
time to improve that interference fit. I don't use my torque
wrench very often (always on heads though) It has always
been by a kind of gut feeling.
I may have to eat my words but maybe I've been lucky.
If I do have to eat humble pie then I'll make sure I take a
bite out of someone first...
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