[Vwdiesel] Front Wheel bearing

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon May 23 17:05:30 EDT 2005

I didn't figure too many of
us had a Dewar bottle...except Hagar, who pulled one out of a 

Hagar zes     Vall Christian ---- help me out  ? -----a Dewar Bottle ?.

But let me tell  all the rest of you -----Val resisted the nonsence  ---that for the money he paid
for that little dinky   Torch   " Arline  OxyAceteline "  ? He could have got a real set.     Hagar got both...     SO ?       what do I use
all the time ?     the dinky one.  ----Its like that   Machetti   in the corner ---it will rest
and I use my Swiss Army knife.

Inner bearing ?   ---if it is a Nasti ?     that small #   03 tip   on my Smith Airline Torch made
in USA ----is  perfect Perfect.   Yes I have smaller tips -------but 03   is great.

Remember ?        Hagar is the kid (Dude)?   who can remove a front bearing 10 minutes after it was installed 
with absolutely NO Harm.

And reinstall it after internal inspection. -----And  drive in to the sunset ---happy as a clam.

Experts say that FRONT bearings are destoyed by removal. -----What ? does that make  me
Hagar ?.

Never   NEVER argue with performance  -------investigate and prove or dissprove..

There are a MEETING of minds ------Chucky ,Doyt,Mark,James,Sandy,Val, and more -----and
the BEST of it all    ???? I lears from them and they learn from me -------WHOOOPY

A 100 %   WIN -WIN situation.   ----No arguments No insults   just plain FUN and very very

Where did I get my most valuable knowledge and experience ?    ----from the German War machine and its highly skilled workers.   --------   ONLY personal observation   can possibly  GRASP   the gap.----------
The GAP was staggering.

Just think ?   If Hagar had not flunked German and English ?   ------- and then again instead of HUMBLE
he might have turned out ARROGANT ?.

Hagar :

PS : I dislike the Rabbit front bearing setup   ----the American invention   "Timkin  is far better.
Invented in 18 xx   ---I have a copy of patent.

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