[Vwdiesel] broke cam head is off

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Mon May 23 18:11:46 EDT 2005

Well I think I got the head off in record time. It took me 45minutes. At
least for me that is fast.  Anyway all the valves are closed. Of course #1
doesn't have a lobe on it. I can't see any other problems. #2 piston has a
nice hit to it, shinny, the rest don't look bad other than a shadow of where
the valves hit. Do I have to worry about any of the pistons?  Crank key?
Think it is safe to put the old head that I had so much problems with the
machine shop with on it since now it is good and they followed the specs in
the Bentley?  I have one more set of head bolts, head gasket and
exhaust/intake gaskets. I also have a new timing belt. Please throw me any
suggestions. How can I tell if this was a cam failure? 


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