[Vwdiesel] Transmission info ---- ( IMPORTANT for 5 speed Rabbits )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue May 24 16:28:48 EDT 2005
Faiures is almost always due to being low on gear oil due to the
oops factor in not raising the level check hole. Not sure how
you optimize the acceleration on a 5 speed since on the diesels
anyway, 4th was the same on both and 5th was a step higher
for cruising. Both have the same final drive ratios as well, at
least in mine this was the case.
I Hagar zes thank you Loren and Roger Brown. ----you may have prevented Bunny Bondo
from having a major Tranney failure.
Fix ? --- simple ----MEASURE quantety of oil in tranney. -----Drive front left tire up on a BRICK.
Then fill tranny with correct amount of Lube.
If Alois was still alive I would send him a bitterly worded complaint -----bloody right.
A level plug for a 4 speed on a 5 speed --???????? combine that with NO DIPSTICK ?.
I still remember Shawn Wright asking ---" does all Turbos leak ?" ------well this turbo does.
For you newbies ----it underlines what I have said for a long time. READ ARCHIVES and start
with LOREN. ----and work your way up the list ------just like I did. ---- The brains there ?
will blow your socks off.
PS : Final ratio on my 1982 1.6 L NA 4 speed seems to be close to my top on
Bunny Bondo ( 5 ) 1.6 L Turbo 1984 Rabbit. 1982 ? --GL tranney 1984 ? - 7A tranney.
For the flyboys ? -----my kolsman dial is 30 inches of mercury ----and you know what that means ?
"Bunny Bondo" ---wants to stretch her legs ------so metal to pedal it is. (?).
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