[Vwdiesel] crankshaft bolts...
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat May 28 14:18:12 EDT 2005
> BTW do you guys recommend using loctite when re-torquing it? Just seems a bit too permanent for me but I imagine a ruined engine is much worse?
Hagar zes : a ruined engine is much worse? --- bet your sweet ass.
But let me backtrack a bit. ---- the reason I am in lockstep with guys like Val Christian ,James Hansen,Gary Bangs
and so on ? ---- EXPERIENCE -----lots and lots of experience.
This forum is the absolutely BEST place for handling this question. (IMHO)---WHY ? ---the
flyboys are here ----not the diesel mechanics --hells bells they are in the flyboy forum.(exception Loren)
I am NOT in lockstep with Loren ----BUT I still rely on him a lot ----ignore him at your own peril.
A bolt or nut coming loose can ruin a fine summers day ? bet your ass ---read on. Does a diesel vibrate and shake ? ------EH ?.---------- read on (got it ?)
When I lived in Sandy Cameron land -----nice summers ? EH ? ---winters could be pure hell.
But this tale took place on a perfect day at Carp Airport ----aircraft was a little airknocker CF-BOS.
65 HP Continental.
Girl in the office lookes at me the young flyboy and say aren't you lucky ----you are going to be the first
to fly the freshly majored engine ---BIG SMILE.
To make it legal it must be testflown by Russ Bradley the boss. ----- I am wayting . Finally a young kid
comes in and says she is ready to go. I heard Russ say all screwns ok and tight ? ---kid said
yes sir (he was talking cowling screws) ----Russ was thinking PROP bolts. (flange type engine)
there was six bolts.
Russ takes off -----it it allmost noon ---his chief pilot heads for home for lunch in his Station wagon.
His wife in the ri
ght seat. Russ throtles back -----props keeps going . Russ makes a dead stick
at Carp. -----chief pilots wife says dear was that not a prop in the ditch ? ---he backs up ---takes
prop and brings it back to Carp after lunch ----I am still bullshitting secretary.
After lunch prop was reinstalled -----I flew it all that afternoon happy as a skylark.
It is my guess that Val Christian and James Hansen and Sandy Cameron will enjoy this TRUE
tale ---EH ?.
MORAL of TALE ? ---lock the bolts and studs and nuts ---NO matter what anyone say.
In your case use BLUE Locktite. ----as to RED locktite on steel in light alloy parts be cafull.
Next Hagar tale ? ---might be why we need to lap in tapers.
PS: Last night we got hit by a HEATWAVE here. ------ right now ? nice and cool.
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