[Vwdiesel] Camshaft sprocket slip ---- ( " The Final Solution " ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat May 28 12:41:56 EDT 2005

I Hagar zes  :     The credits for this NASTI   problem being finally solved
goes to a bunch of members pooling their experience and  know HOW.

I personally NEVER had a sprocket slip  -----so it was of no importance
to me.

At first I thought  --ah it is that stupid ----Bentley procedure of loosening sprocket
during belt change ----- the dummy forgot to retorque bolt. ---EH ?.

If  sprocket is set by VW   ------really you do not need to touch.

Why did I not loosen ?  simple I saw keyway slot in shaft ----it took Val Christian to
inform me that there was NO key  ---?   --- Frankly at first I thaught he was full of shit.

The Germans not using a key ?  ---NOT the Germans I used to know.      ---They would
put a keyway on a shithaus door.

I have Radio knobs here , right now that will never slip  --they are keyed.

Then I realised that this happened to experienced smart people  (not just dummies)
who knew how to tourque the bolt to spec.

Then enter  crazy talk Mark Shepherd  ------ maybe bolt bottomed out ? --EH ?    well that
was the trigger for me to find the REAL problem.

He writes CRAZY  ----but  IMHO   he does not THINK   crazy.     As luck has it I got say  8 ?
cams and sprockets I can test and measure.

The legendary German accuracy   and so on is still intact------IF   sprocket and  shaft was a pair
from VW   ----they will NOT slip.  ---If they were not reworked by someone.

I do LAP all tapers  -----due to Taper Slip   Paranoia  ---from my past experience.    If you lap
the VW cam and sprocket  -----measuring protrusion of end of shaft through sprocket  MUST
be measured.  -----If you don't   ------do NOT bother me ever ----READ MY LIPS.

Just joking  ---Hagar has endless patience with newbies and   espacially   OLDIES.

This is mostly for our American freinds   ----the service from VW over here is the shits ---
In UK ,Finland,Germany,Denmark,Norway,Sweden,and lower slabovia   and tim buctoo   ---they
get better assistance. -----I talked to the very freindly  teck support in USA ---waste of my time.

Funny thing we wound up talking about the Olds 5.7 L   V8.------?      go figure.

The magic figure to shoot for is      from 70 to 80 thou inch US. .   First tighten bolt to
34 ?  foot pound  ----then remove and measure ----- IF     anywhere near flush   ---grind
100 thou   inch  US off end of shaft.

Makes me proud as hell to write this thread ----remember the guy (Texan)    who said that
Hagar never contributed anything worth anything to this forum ? .    

BUT make NO mistake about it ---I still like to be called  "Hillbilly Hagar ".

Well whatever   I am in LOVE with those little marvels called RABBITS. ------Endless
fun for me  -----78 miles to a gallon Imp and going like stink ?  After 20 years of daily
service without overhaul ?   ------just normal maintenance. ----Hell on Bunny Bundo
I have not even changed or adjusted Fan belt   since day one.   05 mar 2003.

Remember REAL  fanatics fiddle with the cuties on a long summers week end.--


PS:   The wife and kids are on the beach and you are in the parking lot opening the trunk ?
unknown to wife you snuck in toolbox in there next to the Coleman Cooler.   Mine is a  RubberMaid
lots of ice and cold BEER.

Like I said many times    the American lifestyle   --AT ITS BEST----   is grand   -----sure one
hell of a pile of good memories from my travels in USA, -.      --The old dictum   still hold true.
If you are friendly --EH ?   ---yes you will make friends.   ----and if you are a friend ?
you got friends.

Help on a breakdown on the road ? ------I never had problems -----And If you need a tip ?

Stay TUNED and I shall explain what worked for me   ---I am 73    ---lots of miles.    And every mile
pure fun.

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