[Vwdiesel] seatbelt question

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Mon May 30 17:21:03 EDT 2005

At 08:46 PM 5/30/05 +0100, you wrote:

>  Because many if not most of the newer seat belts have an
>charge in them to tighten up the belt in an accident!  Kinda
>like saying
>there's no concerns pulling the steering wheel center pad
>off of a newer
>car.  Should be safely doable but do exercise caution, no
>static, any
>wires disconnected, etc.  Same cautions as when changing out
>an air

1... Remove battery from automobile.

2... Submerge automobile in water.

3... Don SCUBA gear

4... Proceed with safe removal of seatbelt

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