[Vwdiesel] Crank gear installation
mikitka at earthlink.net
Tue May 31 19:31:49 EDT 2005
I received the crank gear today. Got it all installed. I can say this much.
If you have the kind that I have with the 12 point bolt that thing is one
tough torque. I did the initial torque per the Bentley, then tried to turn
it the half turn with my air ratchet. Well it moved it about a 1/16 and
stopped. This is an ingersoll-rand 1/2inch drive, suppose to be 600lbft
torque air wrench. Oh well, I didn't even bother to rig something up. I
just dropped the oil pan and blocked the crank. Let me say this much, you
better have a good 1/2inch breaker bar or bigger. I had it bowing big time
and the bolt would move one click at a time. What I mean is, you know how
the head bolts snap as you torque them, well that is what the crank bolt
did. It would snap for every little bit of movement I could get on it until
I got it turned a half turn more after the initial torque. I feel much
better now. If that gear moves now it is because something really is wrong.
I put blue loctite on it as well. I would rather error on the side of
caution than to have it come loose again. So it is all back together and
timed. I had to come in and watch my daughter while my wife took our other
daughter over for dress rehersal in her dance class. I'm hoping to get it
cranked tonight.
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