[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --- ( the MICROBES ---nasty littlecrittters)Teabag soln...

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Nov 2 00:33:07 EST 2005

Here, it gets in from temp changes and humid air in summer.  That would be
the natural, organic water.
The nasty GMO eco-terrorist water comes from underground storage tanks that
have a leak, or from some moron filling the storage tank at the ground level
fill hatch during a heavy rain..  You can get a litre per fill easily
enough.  Sucks pretty much if it's below zero outside.  (since storage tank
is below ground, water stays liquid long enough to drive twenty miles) That
would be data derived from subjective testing...
Isopropal alcohol is your friend, and the only reason I advocate carrying it
in the diesel winter kit, and the only time you should need it as a tank


Ah well I'll be a weeble...
What about an invention trhat puts water into diesel!
Because I've not found more than a teaspoonful of water in my 4 years of
driving my diesel and I'm worried the drain on the filter will break off if
I forget to release it every couple of years or so ;o)

Who is putting the water in over on your continent?
Weeble -Mark

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