[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump Retaining Bolts

Tim Hicks emailastro at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 3 03:29:38 EST 2005

Last week I bought 1986 Volvo with a VW 2.4L Turbo Diesel engine. This week I thought I would change the timing belt, pump belt and water pump. I have all of the service records and they indicate the last change was at 75,000 miles when it snapped causing alot of head damage. It now has 150,000 so I guess its time.
Going step by step with the Volvo green book I cant get the timing right.I have tried to set the pump timing at least a trillion times and the final reading does not come out right.
The timing belt, roller tensioner and water pump went just fine. I know the "basic timing" is correct acording to the book because everything checks out correct.
Here is the procedure I used.
The number 1 cylinder it top dead on the compression stroke. The flywheel marks line up.
the pump sprocket mark lines up with the mark on the pump bracket.
I screw in the dial gauge and adapter.
Preload the dial gauge to 2mm
I rotated the engine counter clockwise a short ways until I find the minimum reading or the dead spot.
 I Reset the dial gauge to zero (2mm)
I then rotate the engine clock wise until the timing marks line up on the fly wheel. It is suppose to read 0.80mm, but it reads 0.69mm
The book states to adjust the pump setting if you less than check value
" Lossen pump retaining bolts and turn pump inwards until the indicator registers setting value. Tighten retaining bolts."
My question is: What and where are the retaining bolts? Thanks in advance.
Tim Hicks

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