[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump Retaining Bolts

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Thu Nov 3 08:40:39 EST 2005

In a message dated 11/3/05 1:32:32 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
emailastro at yahoo.com writes:

> My question is: What and where are the retaining bolts? Thanks in advance.

If it is the same bolt setup as the 4 cyl vw diesel then there are four 
bolts.  There are three that form a triangle on the timing sprocket end of the 
pump.  Two are on the pump side by the sprocket visible without removal of the 
timing cover.  The third is acessed through a hole in the sprocket.  The fourth 
is hidden at the far end of the pump at the lowest corner near the block.  
Loosen all four.  If the injection lines are not off, then slightly loosen the 
unions at one end or the other so you don't stress the lines.


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