[Vwdiesel] 98 jetta for sale

w3wjr@aol.com w3wjr at aol.com
Thu Nov 3 12:06:04 EST 2005

Several replys below (I get digest format) 
> That is considered totaled??????  Wow, that does not look bad at all.


$6500 damage according to the insurance co.  I could pull it out to get it through inspection but I no longer need a car and truck.  I need the truck to pull my camper but to just drive it all the time, the insurance savings from dropping the Jetta pays for the difference in Diesel.  Besides, I still have the 05 A5 to play with!


>Can't you just grab a vacuum cleaner on blow and tape seal the hose into a
>partially opened window?  If that car is made from sheet metal as thin as it
>is on my '91 Jetta that car ought to re-inflate to normal shape quite
>easily! ;)

>I was just bouncing a bit on my drivers door trying to get the door to open
>when the stupid latch mechanizm failed in a restaurant parking lot away from
>home and now it looks like your car.  POS!

That damage was caused by me sitting still, and a Geo Tracker (with a heavy bumper) hitting me at 45mph!  Best part is I did not even feel a thing (or get hurt).  I would say the crumple zones did there job.

> That is considered totaled??????  Wow, that does not look bad at all.
> Nick

  That's over $5200 for a car that books around $8000 maybe?  
Gets close enough to full value and they'll bag it or might deem 
it "unsafe" if bent enough even though it's really safely rebuildable.
It only books for $5600.00 here in SE PA according to both mine and her insurance co!

Will R

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