[Vwdiesel] where is temp gauge sensor supposed to go ?

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Fri Nov 4 14:32:30 EST 2005

Well, first thing, that sloppy steering ?  That tie rod ends.  The 
clunk-bang, maybe CV joints ??

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "maded" <maded at gte.net>
To: "diesel list" <Audi-VW-Diesels at egroups.com>; "diesel fans" 
<vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:03 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] where is temp gauge sensor supposed to go ?

> New Years' Greetings from Seattle!
> The coolant temp gauge on our 85 Golf 1.6na diesel has been reading low. 
> I
> recall the needle sitting just left (cool) of the center of the gauge when
> fully warmed up.  It sits now only at the 1st third of scale, just above 
> the
> white area indicating "cold".  This despite the heater running so hot that
> it is uncomfortable to hold a hand at the vent. So I changed the sensor.
> No change in gauge reading.  The gauge will peg and the blinky lite will
> blink when the green yellow (or blue-yellow- it is faded) wire is 
> grounded.
> Any ideas what is going on?  Apparently only one will fit this year car so
> pretty sure sensor is correct. Any one know what the sensor resistance is
> supposed to be at say, 212F?
> Also, which sensor is supposed to be used by the coolant gauge and which 
> by
> the glow sensor?  Bentley is unclear about this.  The '85+ book seems to
> infer (cannot find a direct, exact reference) the gauge sensor is the one 
> at
> the fitting attached to the side of the head which hose leads to radiator,
> the pre 85 book seems to indicate the sensor used for gauge is at the end 
> of
> the block, nearest transmission.  The sensors themselves are supposed to 
> be
> identical according to my FLAPS.  The blue/white wire is for the glow plug
> temp sensor.
> While I am here, another question: How can I tighten up the steering in 
> the
> Golf (200K + miles)?  There is a lot of play in the steering wheel and the
> RF Strut assy. was replaced due to a bent strut, the wheel assy. too.
> Mechanic just got the whole thing at the wreckers.  Now it goes 
> "clunk-bang"
> when backing or turning sharply.  Also has a skittish unstable feel at
> highway speeds though tracks straight as an arrow hands off at under 
> 30mph.
> Wishing for a happy, prosperous New Year to all,
> --
> Ed Lowe, Seattle
> 82 Westy diesel upgrading to 1.9td
> 85 Golf diesel
> 92 Cabrio
> 97 Passat Tdi
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