[Vwdiesel] Front end bearing noise (again)

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Nov 6 01:36:50 EST 2005

At the moment, I'm thinking of running down the road at 70 mph,
and stopping without breaking.  Then taking a passive IR therometer/
radiometer, and measuring the hub temperature.  My concern is that
there are other factors which could have a greater error contribution
than the heat of a failing bearing.  Slightly dragging pad, etc.

  I was just discussing this with a friend the other day.  He mentioned 
using his IR thermometer for exactly that purpose!  Said he had some 
that had a bad bearing but hard to tell which side.  Drive a bit and check 
the temps, replace the hotter one and tada!  Something like 60F I think 
he said one was.  The difficult part is shooting it in EXACTLY the same 
spot.  He mentioned using the center of each hubcap.

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