[Vwdiesel] Brushes, Alternator

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Sun Nov 13 16:05:53 EST 2005

> > btw, anyone have a source for just the brushes? I have several good
> voltage
> > regulators with worn brushes. Last time I bought a reg, they were about
> $14, now
> > they are at least twice that! I'd like to try replacing some brushes.

I've never had a problem with brushes for a VW.  The last one's I got were
"Wells" brand, from Autozone.  $7/box of two.  I always bevel the edges
about 0.5mm, and will sometimes light clean the rings with 600 wet/dry.

Aside from Autozone, most parts places have been able to get brushes for
me.  Knowing the exact altenator seems to help, and having a sample
and/or dimensions helps as well.

Finally, there are a couple of starter motor / altenator rebuild outfits
in town.  One is in a rough section of town, and is run by an enterprizing
young (25 yo) man.  He'd real good at matching brushes, and I pay about 
$1 / brush.  There's a suburban altenator / starter motor shop, with a 
garage, and they will often find a brush they can then grind to fit.
Typically I pay $5 or $10 per pair, when I get them there.  

Somewhere there has to be a mailorder brush place, with a big online 
catalog, where we can look up brushes for our VWs, and for our trim
routers.  I just haven't found it.


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