[Vwdiesel] Battery acid and your Eyes ? --no problem ? --think again.

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Tue Nov 29 16:04:46 EST 2005

Exploding batteries ?  ---happens a lot ?  ----way way too often.

Next time you go grocery shopping ---buy the biggest box of Baking Soda you can get your
hands on. -------- I had designed a Ward Leonard drive for  the guy next door  ---to
replace the BIG expensive battery on his fork lift.   ----Yankee V8  and Westinghouse
Aircraft  400 Amp generator. (surplus).

Lester Mitchell    LU LU Island BC.    I was in my Sunday best --and when he saw me drive
in. He was very proud of  having it working -and he wanted to show me. So he called me
over. There I was in my Alligator shoes and White shirt and tie ---Now remember a V8 and a
400 amp 24 volt AC generator --makes one mean welder. ---So I grabbed the stinger and
started to weld on a loose horn-bracket.--Not knowing that he had left the caps off the
starting battery---  KA -BOOOOOM and I was showered in battery acid. ----The welding
helmet saved my  eyes ---I ran for my shower and all that ends well is ok ?

Yes Lester Mitchell was my elder  ---Now I is one ?---I went to Lesters funeral some time
ago---and If Lester did not go to heaven  --?  --Nobody did.   Lester
itchell  --Humanitarian -Inventor -Philosopher------and all around super guy. (what a
man). His son Larry is not too bad either.

Moral this tale ?-----guard your eyesight at ALL times. ---Next time I will tell you all
about my sister Bodil   --who lost sight at 13 .---Stay TUNED.  ---I had way better than
20/20  most my life.   Thank you Lord.


PS :   I saw a lot  ---a BIG lot  in 73 years. --and I am still looking.--like they say
keep your eye on the ball.

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