[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 226 --- ( opinionated Hagar speaks --Opinions 101 )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Oct 1 12:01:13 EDT 2005

I warned you all that Hagar was one opinionated SOB----BUT a Tolerant one.
So I do NOT dismiss any PMs or Ideas or information --out of hand. --NEVER.  ---I like
variety  --is that not an Amerikan thing ?  --NOT Socialist sameness ?.     But to get
back to Volkswagens ---how did they come about ? ---Here is my take on it.
The VW is a  "genius" product of the fantastic German school system   19
32 -1945. ---Denmark had a clone system sort of.---But school system is NOT correct it was
more like a  Educational system.---
Does this thread tie in with William Bennetts STUPID uttering ?  yes it does --because his
statement was technically correct --but should not have been made at this time .--it was
Here is Hagars statement --the NAZI's were not EVIL---the NSDAP was a good idea at that
time ---and the German People were NEVER Evil.---I was as close as you can get --without
being one at the time 1932 to 1945.---BUT my statement can be made at this time.--Without
being inflammatory.
Hagar sez :  to be poor in a poor country ?  NO big deal ---to be poor in Amerika ? is a
That has to do with the have have NOT gap---the GAP is going to destroy Amerika  IMHO if
we do not correct it. ----and I will do my part --trust me.--to correct it.

The  USSR   was never an EVIL empire IMHO   ---It was an unrealistic idealistic Empire.
Here is an example of how information can be misleading ---during the  Race Riots in
Amerika  --I was looking at Swedish TV reporting---it looked like ALL of Amerika was in
turmoil ---. BUT at the same time I flew right across Amerika from West to East --and saw
NO signs of problems . --go figure ?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Amerika and many things Amerikan---BUT I am in Kanada due to the NAM

I have a bad feeling about Irak too --I would never go --NO SIREE.--I am a UN supporter.

Yes as a NATO   guy the CIA tried to get me to do a job on Cuba---I said NO
hanks.  ---Bay of Pigs ?----- The real Pigs were massed in Florida. IMHO.

In Kanada we had Ernst Zundel ?  --he was technically correct --but the Powers in charge
would not listen.

He was prosecuted.----STUPID.----just ignore the bastard.

Fur balls of Opinions ? --do Hagar like them ?  --bet your butts. --Got an Opinion ?--do
not let it go to waste.

PS ...:   My country right or wrong ?  --biggest stupidity in HISTORY.--IMHO.

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