[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 224 ---( Amerikan education )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Oct 1 14:06:34 EDT 2005


Sorry, to disagree, but as a cop of 28 years, if you are going to report
something someone said, report it accurately, not out of context.

 Hagar sez :  Emmit and ALL  --NO need to be sorry for having an OPINION ---NEVER
NEVER ---NO be sorry for NOT having one.

So Emmit do us all a favor and fill in what I missed --like the context. ---OK ?.  I do
know the context  --------- As a maggot whitey I am insulted and embarrassed --think about
how livid I would be if my skin was Colored ---?---  I do know the jails are full of BLACK
people---and I know why.  But other than Education and Socialist systems ---I know of NO
solution.  When you have a President who flat out refuses to even talk about SLAVERY
  ---you are on a slippery slope  --IMHO.
Remember they are ALL Amerikans  --or in my case Danes --and read my lips ---Denmark did
not make any difference on Color in my time.----yes they are having troubles today
with ---social (economic)  invaders from Turkey and what not. And as the do goody Danes
they have problems  the Queen is struggling to explain ---every day --trust me --there is
NO simple solution IMHO---if you find one let me know.
People like  William Bennett and Gus Limgaugh --are indicators of what is wrong in
AMERIKA----I like to call it MY amerika.----your great LOVE goes to hell ?  ---very
disappointing -Ja ?.

Melting pot come Cesspool.

The high point of American popularity in the world ?  1945.----NOW ?  I have never seen it
so LOW.

When Bush was in my home town a short while ago he had to HIDE behind the moat at the
royal Castle.
Never did he dare go on the streets of Copenhagen.----????? Think.
Anyone else want to challenge Hagar on context ?--bring it on.


PS : Hagar on income tax ?  Rita surtax ?  you bet  --and I hagar will gladly pay twice
the income Tax if everybody does.--UP the Fuel Tax for Luxury and UP the income Tax for
the Rich. --I say NO shirking will be tolerated.
Commissar Hagar would get lots of money for Schools ---trust me. ----LOTS.
Hagar is multilingual and he reads Newpapers from a lot of places every morning---so he is
NOT completely IGNORANT.-------sorry to say a lot of Amerikans are.

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