[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 224 ---( Amerikan education )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Oct 2 12:40:59 EDT 2005

Please take this to the wart list, this is a forum for cars, Hagar.


Hagar sez :..Thank you James Hansen.   ---   You are filthy RICH and Hagar is filthy RICH
so it does really not affect us. ( Kanada )  the tax was to pay for Katrina  in the USA.

My intention was to show the have not so much --how to recover by driving a Rabbit or
Jetta ?. ---and tell them ---do NOT give up --- the way of the DIY is the way.  -----I
call it MY amerika ( USA)-----for a lot of reasons.  --(ALL GOOD).    ---- I was trying to
help those Amerikan friends who lost the House lost the JOB---a good way to get up and
trucking again.--- I have a Danish friend at lake Conroe Texas  --all he lost was a few
trees.----now for my friends in New Orleans ?  --I have NO information so far

BUT   ---whatever ---Education is important ---and this forum is ALL about  educating how
to fix and run a VW Diesel.    -- I am for a fully funded WELL FUNDED public system --NOT
a Balkanized mess of Religious and money-grabbing systems---.

There was a LOT of friendly incoming fire here in Hagars lair---wow --I must been doing
something right ?.

In Kanada  ( BC )  home schooling is allowed --a disaster IMHO -- I visited a woman's home
some time ago -----poor kids say I , they will never have the great experience of a bloody
nose in the school yard.--------NO bullies no LOVE affairs ---what a waste. --Best
education is learning how to get along with other kids IMHO.-----I thank the LORD for
being born in Denmark when I was --1932 ---that was Denmark's finest hour as far as PUBLIC
education is concerned. IMHO.

To find the money for education ? in the depth of the worst depression years
 -WOW  --some smart Danes was in charge somewhere. Say I.----In Denmark students were
marched off to the dental clinic for regular checks and FILLINGS  at NO charge.---during
the war the school showers were open one day per week ---at NO charge ---wartime hot water
was a valued commodity. --I do salute all those Amerikan teachers who tried so hard --but
was frustrated by the NO corporal punishment do gooders. --IMHO   a part of a good
education comes from a sore --very sore (in my case)  BUTT.


PS :   yes I am a Yankee loving Dane--NO excuses.

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