[Vwdiesel] Topic limited, or people enabled? And Wheel Bearings.

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Oct 3 02:30:17 EDT 2005

The question is whether this list is topic limited, or participant limited.
In other words is the list the creation of a community, or is it limited
to topics strictly within the bounds of the stated charter.

Beats me.

It doesn't beat me in the slightest.
When you have guests over to your house, and one person loudly and
frequently opines over other conversations, interrupts, changes the subject
to voice their political opinion... to the point your other valued friends
and guests start to leave..... WHAT DO YOU DO?

I trust everyone can manage to govern themselves accordingly without
resorting to rules and charters... We are after all, DIESEL, the smarter and
better looking.

That's how diesel has worked to this point, and occasional off topic forays
are generally entertaining and encouraged.  If you feel like you are
repeating yourself on a daily basis, voicing the same theme over, and over
and over, you probably are, and could do to shut the hell up out of
politeness without having to have your face rubbed in the pie.

Need I be more blunt?

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