[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 226 --- ( opinionated Hagar speaks--Opinions 101 )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Oct 3 14:12:18 EDT 2005

Mark Shepherd ---buddy I need some help ---my flak jacket is getting full of holes

I have NO humble opinions ?   ---so how do we change that ?  In My Arrogant Opinion ?  In
My Ignorant Opinion. --- --I am going to ask Gary Bangs to send me the latest version of
his FLAK jacket. .

Tell me ?   ---Opinion is that not just that ?    --I am sitting here reading  Midnight
Call  October 2005.

A religious promulgation .---- do I deride the guy who brought it here ?  ---NO I just
give him my Opinion.
And I have The Watchtower in Danish here too  ---and a Good News Bible ----.
If you are civil and NICE ?  ---you are welcome in Hagars Lair--- Black White Red Yellow
Muslim Christian Heden Agnostic or Whatever ---AND   your Opinion will be listened to and
indeed welcomed --no matter how bizarre.(IMHO).

I have a nice beergarden here --and if we do not get along ?   it has nothing to do with
color religion -----but solely by what type of person you are. -Is Hagar a racist ?  that
is a moot question ---it depends on definition.---I guarantee ---that George W Bush and
Hagar could have a rousing good time ---in Crawford or right here in Hagars
beergarden.---in a bizarre way we have a LOT in common.

IMHO   a flyboy ?   --is anyone who has had ANYTHING to do with flying machines --of ANY
kind .
Scott Kair has some really good tales in that department. trust me----I know. --- not

Why so many flybys ? in this place ? --natural selection  IMHO   ---VW Diesels attracts
really smart people in North Amerika  ---60 % of Lupo production was sold in Denmark ?
right but why ?  ---Danes are smart. when it comes to Energi use.----trust me.(I am a

Follow a Dane or a Scott  --and save.---- funny thing I have been in a genuine Viking hut
and sat on the bench ---BUT I recall nothing about heating ?  now that to me is
funny.--they were that tough ? (NO WAY).
Am I glorifying my fore fathers ?  NEVER have no fear they were SCUM of the earth.----BUT
the latest        version ? --yes they are OK.(Christianity did that little trick).

TeePees ?  there is fire in the middle of the floor---Igloo ?   --- a nice Mukluk Anni
was all that was needed--OK if REALLY cold out there ?  let in a couple of  Dogs.---By the
way Denmark does NOT own Greenland --it is Denmark --just like  Vancouver Island is Kanada
and Alaska is Amerika.----

Ramblings turned off --OK ?.


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