[Vwdiesel] $3.45 a gallon, biodiesel, and SVO

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Mon Oct 3 21:50:00 EDT 2005

Don't buy straight vegetable oil as a fuel that must be stored for possibly
long periods before use, it degrades fairly rapidly.  In a very critical
application like a hospital I'd not buy anything other than either regular
road taxed diesel fuel or colored farm diesel.  Colored #2 fuel oil ( home
heating oil) is cheaper yet and I believe the same as summer diesel.  The
home heating oil will be cheapest of all these and I think basically the
same liquid as summer diesel.  Do some research and don't take my word for
the suitability of heating oil in the hospital's generator engine.
Liability issues are just too big.

Cool storage will prolong the useable life of any petroleum based fuel and
this also applies to vegetable oil.

Energy shortage?  Impossible!  In most of the developed world, the exception
being England, electrons literally swarm out of the ground.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Jansen" <marvinjansen50 at gmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] $3.45 a gallon, biodiesel, and SVO

> I tried to get some for our hospital generator and the refinery in
> Tuscaloosa was out. A local biodiesel plant is about to open and just in
> time. How much is new vegetable oil? What changes do I need to do to use
> Biodiesel?
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