[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 228 ---- ( Let the Fur fly )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Oct 5 10:49:00 EDT 2005
You may hijack the rest of the passengers on this list with your messages,
but I cannot say it does not matter. I would say you are a disruption to the
list, just as I would say you would be a disruption in an orderly study of
something in a classroom.
Hagar sez : Hot dam that's a SAM .--- not AAA.-Ja ? ----funny thing --when I was a
kid in Denmark I loved Cartoons --and I collected a magazine ---hand me down from an
Uncle. ---and two Yankee's did all kinds of things with lots of AAA exploding all around
them.--Gus and Barney ? and then there was Willy -----The flying machine was a
combination Submarine ?
Charity Hospital New Orleans during Katrina : Enter the three Musketeers Sandy Doyt and
Hagar------------Sandy is there to see the latest chip of the old block --Doyt is there
to visit his Son and Hagar is there to see wife Louanne --who needs Dialysis --twice a
Sandy ,Doyt and Hagar have a real FAST meeting on the third floor.We know from this list
what we are good at ---and the WATER is already too deep to get everybody out.-----NO
finer trio ever was at that Hospital at the same time. Doyt immediately finds the Diesel
Tank and dipstick it and calculates running time. Sandy lines up ALL the orderlies and
spare Nurses --Janitors or whatever and starts a search for anything that can be used as
FUEL. --and Hagar ? well he heads straight for the changeover panel---and starts a Load
shedding procedure in cooperation with the Hospital Administrator.
One hour later the trio (3 stooges?) meet again---ALL is COOL for about 5 hours.---We
decide it is time to call in the Hospital staff for a short meeting for planning strategy
for the worst possible situation.
Hospital staff are magnificent ---and we decide that running out of power ? --is THE
WORST ---cenario.
what to do ? ---Sandy gets a team of 5 people a mix of Doctors and Nurses ---Doyt gets a
team of his choice total of 5 ---and Hagar ? he gets 3 Janitors one steam engineer and
one COOK.
By nightfall we have the situation under control ---for day two ? --stay TUNED.
PS : the three Geezers are blessed with some strange Divine power. --JA ?
Jawohl?---bet your butts.
The three commandeering a HOSPITAL are we crazy ?---NO Hagar whispered in the ear of the
Administrator --and HE agreed.--The patients comes FIRST.
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