[Vwdiesel] More oil stuff to think about.. :) oil extenders?

Arnie Grubbs vhuntertdi at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 6 12:24:40 EDT 2005

Hi Gang,

Just a few days ago in WallyMart I happened upon some jugs marked
with the 'PowerService' label.  I didn't think much about it until
I read a little more on the bottle.  When I get home I look it up
on the web and I find some interesting stuff.. 

Anyway- whats your take on this stuff?   

I was always wondering when an oil additive package replenishment 
product would come to market.. 

Now, how would you handle this?  change out the filter every so often
and drain a quart out then use this for the makeup fill? Of course 
you would only start with the best synth. oils if you were doing this type of extended use..

I could maybe see doing something like this in my TDI, but my Cummins CRD 
has a larger filter, but holds 12 quarts total!  (just thinking out loud now..)
Would probably need more of a dose than just the filter full... even though
it has WAY less soot loading than my TDI did up until a few days ago..
(I changed to the correct (oem) injector washers last weekend and my smoke at WOT has just
about disapeared!  but thats another story)

Drive ON 

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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