[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 230 --- ( Amerikan small car Renaissance ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Oct 11 15:26:34 EDT 2005

Hagar looks at the Automotive insanity in Los Angeles every morning on KTLA.----sky cam.

Total madness.----?    I say so.-----Let me know when Arnold sells his Hummer.(or

SO ?---what to do ?  ---follow the LEAD of the Dutch and the Danes.----- Yes Copenhagen
has banned cars from the city at certain times. -----will it work in Amerika
  --absolutely it will --all it takes is a LEADER ---with a brain.

On the humor side ? --Hagar was in Copenhagen   about 19 84  and decided to go down town
for a movie ---FOXBAT  ---in a VW Beetle --looked for a parking space --drove around the
block to Istedgade , not knowing that it was a RED light street---lots of
parking ---LOTS.----but that for another day

.Are small cars back in ?  --just watch.


PS  :   in 1984  parking downtown Copenhagen at night ?  ---next to impossible.---WHY ?
all those NO parking signs.--- there was lots of ROOM.
When I came to Vancouver BC in 1962 ?  apple pie to park any thing.---NO meters  NO
signs --wow I was in Paradise.----Talk about Paradise LOST.-

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