[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Oct 12 01:06:24 EDT 2005
The problem Shell had with diesel had to do with a new formulation additive
package reacting with itself and leaving deposits on internal pump parts.
This increased the sizes on some components via a grey glaze, causing
sticking parts, wear due to decreased tolerances, galling, etc. It wasn't
so much a lubrication problem as a deposition problem. I lost a 3406 cat
pump to this. This was just post sulfur reduction IIRC, and was addressed
rather promptly. Lubricity was initially blamed, but the damage turned out
to be for reasons other than lubricity.
IIRC, the problem was pointed out to the parent companies by the Bosch
repair shops after seeing odd color deposits on parts that were otherwise
supposed to be clean and shiny.
What's the time frame of your story? I have a shell dealer tech bulletin
around here somewhere about it.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of H . Hagar.
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:10 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).
owever I've never heard
of a pump failure from running winter fuel.
Loren and ALL ---you have NOW --and this is GOSPEL.-----All first hand
experience. (
101 )-
Thousands of VW VE pumps were damaged in Canuck land Kanada ---and
Volkswagen was
buried in Lawsuits.----- VW blamed BOSCH and BOSCH found out that --mad as
hell Truckers
in California had problems with Stanadyne ( ROOSA MASTER ) pumps. VE pumps.
BOSCH and Stanadyne teamed up and proved that THE FUEL was the problem.
So ? what ruined the pumps ? ---LUBRICITY in fuel was not adequate for VE
SO ? what got Hagar madder than hell ? --too low cetane number.---- That
is when Hagar
started to use the term CRAPPY FUEL --too dry and too low a cetane. ---- By
the way the
CRAPPY FUEL was SHELL .---and I still got a sample.
PS : Hagar the VW diesel lover.-- this morning Diesel sells for 2.30
dollars US a gallon
in Los Angeles --they refuse to sell crappy fuel ? keep on
dreaming. --This will be
reposted on Fuel 101.--
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