[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Oct 12 10:22:41 EDT 2005

What's the time frame of your story? I have a shell dealer tech bulletin
around here somewhere about it.

Hagar sez :   James velly interesting ---as usual I muddy up the fuel by mixing different
My problems started in about 1991  --92--93 ? . A shell  tanker was on way from Kalifornia
to Alaska with winter fuel.---Local bulk dealer was short of  diesel  --so it was directed
by radio to dump some fuel here.

Normally I  used ESSO   --but it was a Saturday ---and only the Shell Plant was open.---I
was sold Diesel --billed as # 2 Diesel ---it was CRAP.----that's when I started to do
rudimentary tests on every BRAND of diesel in town. ( today Oct 2005 I use Shell ).   In
Kanada and Alaska the problem is  the bloody COLD.

And in Kanada --there is NO Law regulating diesel fuel  like there is for Gasoline. ----so
my samples was --so different that they  spanned from Kerosene to Vaseline --when coming
out of my Gibson  commercial freezer set at max.COOL.---GOOD diesel in those days would
totally solidify.

Low Cetane number was a big problem in the Bobcat  --it requires a minimum of
55 ---lubrication was NOT a problem --it has an inline  IP. ----VW  Diesels are designed
for better than 50----Shell brags about 40.---- VW will not let you use # 1 diesel in 1977
to 1984 models.

BOSCH --Stanadyne  investigation concluded that lack of Lubrication ruined the pumps.

They showed pictures of dissected pumps ---NOT a pretty sight. --Say I.

I think Roger Brown may still be able to tell us where to get those reports ?. Scott Kair
posted a link to  pump failures . He may be of help.

My conclusion ?  ---NEVER trust big or small Oil  --to tell the truths on diesel fuel.

Kanadian  Rabbit IPs failed at about 60 000 KM.  --more on that under Pumps.


PS  : We have no way of testing Cetane number  --so we go by listening to the
irls.  --when they hummm
it is ok.----with experience it is not too hard to tell. ? Ja ?

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